Diablo 3 Addon: Leaks durch datamining (Teil 1)


Unsere Kollegen von diablofans.com haben über Datamining eine große Anzahl an möglichen Neuerungen und Details über Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls in Erfahrung gebracht. Es muss aber gesagt werden, dass alles, was dort geschrieben steht, nicht auch zwangsweise so – oder überhaupt – in die Release Version vom ersehnten Diablo 3 Addon kommt. Alle die sich die Vorfreude aufheben und überraschen lassen wollen, sei hiermit ans Herz gelegt, nicht auf den Weiterlesenbutton zu klicken!

Von Ladders, Seasons und Gilden

Es wurde viel gemunkelt über eine eventuelle Ladder die letzten Tage. Nun haben wir vermeintliche Sicherheit, dass nicht nur eine, sondern mehrere Ladders kommen werden. Doch seht hier dazu mehr aus dem Datamining:

  • BestLadderRankValue – Best Ladder Rank
  • BestLadderParagonValue – Best Ladder Paragon Level
  • GuildLadderRank – Clan Ladder
  • RankSeasonHero – Seasonal
  • HardcoreSeasonHero – Hardcore Seasonal
  • SeasonHero – Seasonal
  • HardcoreSeasonHero – Hardcore Seasonal
  • Bnet_Profile.txt –
  • BestLadderRankValue – Best Ladder Rank
  • BestLadderParagonValue – Best Ladder Paragon Level
  • GuildLadderRank – Clan Ladder Rank
  • HardcoreDeaths – Hardcore Deaths
  • LadderTab – Ladder
  • ParagonLevel – Paragon Level {s1}
  • SeasonParagonLevel – Season Paragon Level
  • SeasonProfileOverall – Overall
  • SeasonProfile – Season {s1}
  • FriendGuildLabel – Clan: {s1}
  • CreatingHeroStatus – Creating Hero…
  • FriendNoteLabel – Friend Note: {s1}
  • ClanNoteLabel – Clan Note: {s1}
  • FilterInputHelpLabel –
  • GuildTitle – Clan ({s1})
  • GuildButton – {c_white}{s1} |4Member:Members; Online
  • GuildInvitesTitle – Clan Invites ({s1})
  • NoClanButton – Start
  • NoClanText – You are not currently in a Clan. To find a clan to join or to create a clan, begin here.
  • NoClanTitle – No Clan
  • OverlayAddGroupButton – Find Group
  • GroupTitle – Groups ({s1})
  • GuildRequestTitle – Clan Requests ({s1})
  • GroupRequestTitle – Group Requests ({s1})
  • GroupInvitesTitle – Group Invites ({s1})
  • OverlayCreateGroupButton – Create Group
  • GuildInviteReceived – You have received an invitation from {s1} to join clan {s2}.
  • GuildInviteReceived_NoInviter – You have received an invitation to join clan {s1}.
  • GroupInviteReceived – You have received an invitation from {s1} to join group {s2}.
  • GroupInviteReceived_NoInviter – You have received an invitation to join group {s1}.


Es gibt also viele Hinweise darauf, dass eine Ladder (oder mehrere) eingeführt wird (werden). Ebenso auch Gilden und eine Gildenladder. Ausserdem wird es dem Auszug nach vermutlich Seasons geben. Ob dabei der Charakterlevel zurückgesetzt wird, oder in einen non-Ladder Modus wie aus Diablo 2 bekannt, ist aber nicht ersichtlich. Ebensowenig was mit Gilden passiert, die an einer Ladder teilnehmen.

Neue Bosse und Modelle

Neben dem nun schon bekannt Oberbösewicht Malthael, Engel des Todes, werden natürlich auch eine Reihe neuer Zwischenbosse folgen. Was das Datamining ergeben hat seht ihr hier:

  • X1_fortress_MalthaelFight_Encounter_Name – Boss: Malthael’s Lair [TEMP]
  • X1_fortress_MalthaelFight_Taunt_Text – Defeat the aspect of Death! [TEMP]
  • X1_Adria_Encounter_Name – Boss: Adria
  • X1_Adria_Taunt_Text – Defeat Adria
  • X1_BatteringRam_Encounter_Name – [TEMP] The Siege of Pandemonium Fortress
  • X1_BatteringRam_Taunt_Text – [TEMP] Break open the Gates of the Fortress
  • X1_Urzael_Encounter_Name – Boss: Urzael
  • X1_Urzael_Taunt_Text – Defeat Urzael


Malthael wird wohl ähnlich wie Diablo 2 verschiedene Kampfszenerien haben. Ausserdem scheinen auch noch Adria (wie schon oft gemunkelt) und ein wohl eher unbekannter Gegner Urzael ins Geschehen eingreifen. Wir dürfen gespannt sein ob diese Bosse auch wirklich in die Retail kommen und welche Besonderheiten sie haben werden.

Ausserdem gibt es noch eine ganze Reihe an neuen Models. Um diese zu betrachten klickt hier.

Der Crusader…

bekommt jede Menge Fähigkeiten, damit er mit der Versprochenen neuen Build-Diversität mithalten kann. Einige davon haben wir bereits in der spielbaren Version auf der Gamescom gesehen. Andere hingegen wurden erst durch das Datamining enthüllt. Aber auch hier sei wieder gesagt: es ist nicht sicher, ob und wenn, wie genau das jeweilige feature implementiert wird:


Heavenly Strength – You can wield a 2-handed weapon in your main hand while holding a Shield in your offhand. / Your maximum movement speed is reduced by 10%.
„I want both.“

Vigilant – Increase Life regeneration by 413. / Increase total Life regeneration by 3%. / Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 2%.
„Constant vigilance!“

Wrathful – Gain 5% Wrath regeneration for 3 seconds when you block.

Holy Cause – Increase the amount of Holy damage on your weapon by 10%. / The proc effect of Holy weapons is increased by 10%.
„Let Heaven’s might be unleashed upon the wicked.“

Sweep Attack – Cost: 25 Wrath / Sweep a mystical flail in a wide arc through enemies 20 yards before you, dealing 230% weapon damage to all enemies caught in the arc.

  • Magnetic Arc – Enemies hit by the attack will also catch on fire for 50% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
  • Holy Shock – Enemies hit by the sweep attack have a 20% chance to be tripped, stunning them for 5 seconds.

Laws of Justice – Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, granting you and your allies 900 All Resistances for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you block, there is a chance you and your allies resistances will increase by 300 for 5 seconds.

Steed Charge – Cooldown: 15 seconds / You are picked up by magical steed, allowing you to ride through enemies without being noticed or blocked for 3 seconds.

Bombardment – Cooldown: 60 seconds / Call in an assault from afar, raining balls of burning pitch and stone onto enemies around you, dealing 400% weapon damage. The bombardment continues on randomly targeted monsters nearby for the next -22 seconds.

  • Tar Pit – Instead of hurling burning balls of pitch, the carcasses of dead and diseased animals (cows) are thrown. When they land, their poisoned parts are scattered across the battlefield, leaving the area poisoned for a 5 seconds doing 250% weapon damage per second.
  • Mine Field – A timed bomb is thrown on the battlefield which will explode after 5 seconds dealing 250% weapon damage in a holy cross formation.

Laws of Hope – Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, increasing resource regeneration for you and your allies by 20% for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you pick up a health globe, you and your allies‘ resource regeneration rate will be increased by 10% for 5 seconds.

Bird of Prey – Cost: 25 Wrath / Active: Order the Gyrfalcon to enrage, increasing the damage it deals for a short time. / Passive: Summon a Mystical Gyrfalcon to fight by your side.

  • Flock / Active: The Gyrfalcon and his flock swarm the targeted location, dealing 20% weapon damage to all enemies within 15 yards.
  • Staggering Cry / Active: The Gyrfalcon emits a piercing shriek, stunning all enemies between it and the targeted location for 3 seconds.
    This rune is not yet implemented.


Diverse neue Modi für längeren Spielspaß

Wir kennen ja nun schon die Nephalem Prüfungen sowie die Lootruns. Beides wurde auf der Gamescom angekündigt und auch erklärt, wie sich die Entwickler vorstellen, dass der Modus – oder das Feature im Falle der Prüfungen – funktioniert. Was bisher aber noch nicht gesagt wurde, ist, dass scheinbar mehrere Modi, teilweise schon lange angepriesen und von Spielern als Voraussetzung für ein Diablo 3 Addon gesetzt:


Start : Do you wish to start this trial?

Started : Another player has started this trial, do you wish to join?

ChallengeTypeWave Fight : Wave Trial – Destroy each enemy wave as quickly as possible. Extra time is converted into bonus experience and gold!

ChallengeTypeHorde : Horde Trial – Slay an unending horde of monsters. Kill monsters before the timer ends to earn bonus experience and gold for every kill!

ChallengeTypeTimed Dungeon : Collapsing Dungeon – Loot Nephalem Relics to delay the dungeon collapse and earn time bonuses!

ChallengeTypeZapper : Berseker Trial – Slay monsters before they become enraged! Killing marked monsters before they enrage grants bonus experience and gold!

ChallengeTypeGoblin Hunt : Goblin Hunt – Find the treasure goblins before they all escape!

ChallengeTitle : Nephalem Trial


Scheinbar hat Blizzard die User erhört. Nachdem Ewigkeiten das Endgame von Diablo 3 angeprangert wurde, und Vorschläge wie Zusatzlevel (Paragon) und Endlosdungeons gemacht wurden, greift Blizzard ein und denkt sogar weiter. So gibt es neben Zeitherausforderungen à la „Zerstöre die Welle von Monstern innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitintervalls. Je mehr Zeit übrig ist, desto mehr XP und Gold bekommst du.“ auch noch weitere kompetetive aber auch fordernde challenges. In einer challenge geht man auf Goblinjagd und scheint möglichst viele Goblins ihres Schatzes entledigen zu müssen bevor alle geflohen sind. In einem weiteren muss man bei einer endlosen Horde an Gegnern versuchen möglichst viele zu töten, bis das Zeitlimit abgelaufen ist. Man rennt durch Dungeons und findet Artefakte, die die Zeit verlängern, bevor der Dungeon einstürzt – ganz im Sinne von Rennspielen, bei denen man durch Checkpoints fährt um ein paar Sekunden länger fahren zu können.

Für mehrere vermeintlich kommende challenges klickt hier.

Loot 2.0 und die speziellen Legendary Eigenschaften…

Neben den veränderten Droprates und der allgemeinen Anhebung der Randomrolls auf Gegenständen sowie den Smartdrops, dürfte wohl die spannendste Neuerung die besonderen angepriesenen Eigenschaften auf den Legendaries sein. Sie sollen für diverse „build variation“ (Skillzusammenstellungsvarianten) und „build changing“ (skillverändernd) sein. Hier vorab die scheinbar schon fertige und äußerst reichhaltige Liste der Eigenschaften von Legendaries:


ItemPassive_Gloves_ps3_promo – Chance to summon a minion of Leoric when attacking.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_500_x1 – Health Globes picked up release an explosion for 100% weapon damage to enemies within 40 yards.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_501_x1 – Companion – Wolf Companion now summons 3 wolves.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_502_x1 – Transform into something angelic or demonic.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_503_x1 – You absorb an attribute from the pack you are fighting.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_504_x1 – Leave a clone of yourself behind after using Vault.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_505_x1 – Your Chill effects have a 50% chance to Freeze instead of Slow.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_506_x1 – Double the duration of Fire elemental effects.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_507_x1 – Falling Sword can be used again within 4 seconds before the cooldown is triggered.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_508_x1 – Gain a soul stack on kill. After reaching 10 stacks, you release a poison explosion for 500% weapon damage in a 30 yard radius.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_509_x1 – Enemies you hit become Marked for Death.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_510_x1 – You may have one extra Hydra active at a time.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_511_x1 – Chance on kill to siphon the spirit out of the slain enemy. When the spirit is pulled to you, it heals you for 10% of your maximum Life and Mana.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_512_x1 – Enable all runes for a specific skill.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_513_x1 – Summon a treasure goblin who picks up normal-quality items for you. After picking up 40 items, he drops a rare item with a chance for a legendary.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_514_x1 – Emanate a Slow Time bubble around you.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_515_x1 – Equip on Follower: Gain access to all skills.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_516_x1 – When receiving fatal damage, you are instead restored to 100% of maximum Life and and resources. This item is destroyed in the process.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_517_x1 – Elemental Arrow now generates 3 Hatred.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_518_x1 – Vault now costs 8 Hatred instead of Discipline.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_519_x1 – Prevent 100% of Arcane damage taken and heal yourself for the amount prevented.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_520_x1 – Chance on hit to summon a herd of murderous cows.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_521_x1 – Shrine effects last until death.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_522_x1 – Chance on attack to shoot out a spectral creature dealing damage and knockback.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_523_x1 – Summon a Fetish Army after you kill 20 Elites.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_524_x1 – You turn into a treasure goblin or pony.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_525_x1 – Enemies you kill have a 100% chance to drop a health globe.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_526_x1 – Pets deal 100% more damage.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_527_x1 – When you melee attack, you also cleave enemies up to 20 yards in front of you for 100% weapon damage.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_528_x1 – Reduce the cost of Seismic Slam to 15 Fury.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_529_x1 – Cause an Earthquake when you land after using Leap.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_530_x1 – Increase the duration of Ignore Pain to 60 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_531_x1 – Automatically cast Smoke Screen when you fall below 30% Life. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_532_x1 – Automatically drop Caltrops when you are hit. This effect may only occur once every 6 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_533_x1 – Strafe no longer costs Hatred.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_534_x1 – Lashing Tail Kick releases a Fireball for 300% weapon damage as Fire.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_535_x1 – Double the range of Deadly Reach.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_536_x1 – Blinding Flash now generates 50 Spirit.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_537_x1 – Tempest Rush no longer costs Spirit to channel.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_538_x1 – Increase the radius of Breath of Heaven to 50 yards.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_539_x – When Dashing Strike hits an enemy more than 25 yards away, its Spirit cost is refunded.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_540_x1 – Increase Exploding Palm’s on-death explosion damage to 100% of the enemy’s maximum Life.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_541_x1 – Spirit Generators generate 50% additional Spirit.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_542_x1 – Gain the base effect of all four Mantras at all times.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_543_x1 – Mystic Ally mirrors your attacks.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_544_x1 – Prevent 100% of Cold damage taken and heal yourself for the amount prevented.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_545_x1 – Prevent 100% of Fire damage taken and heal yourself for the amount prevented.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_546_x1 – Prevent 100% of Holy damage taken and heal yourself for the amount prevented.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_547_x1 – Prevent 100% of Lightning damage taken and heal yourself for the amount prevented.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_548_x1 – Prevent 100% of Poison damage taken and heal yourself for the amount prevented.

ItemPassive_Unique_Axe_2H_012_x1 – After killing 20 enemies you explode out in anger, dealing 400% weapon damage as Fire to all nearby enemies.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_025_x1 – Each time you pick up gold, increase your Gold and Health Pickup radius by 1 yard for 10 seconds, stacking up to 30 times.

ItemPassive_Unique_Boots_020_x1 – Deal 20% additional damage after remaining stationary for 3 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Helm_017_x1 – Increase your highest primary attribute by 10% but reduce the others by 5%.

ItemPassive_Unique_Amulet_017_x1 – Periodically charm a nearby enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage.

ItemPassive_Unique_Dagger_103_x1 – Chance on hit to poison your enemy if they have a higher health percent than you, causing them to take 20% increased damage for 5 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Belt_016_x1 – Picking up a Health Globe increases your maximum Life by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_549_x1 – Zombie Dogs stuns enemies around them for 1 second when summoned.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_550_x1 – Zombie Dogs take 10% of any damage dealt to you.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_551_x1 – Spirit Walk lasts until you attack or until an enemy is within 30 yards of you.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_552_x1 – Reduce the cooldown of Fetish Army and Big Bad Voodoo by 1 second each time your fetishes deal damage.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_553_x1 – X% chance for health globes to also grant a powerup.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_554_x1 – Increase attack speed of your pets by 100%.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_555_x1 – Corpse Spiders release a web on impact that Slows enemies by 50% for 3 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_556_x1 – Teleport gains the effect of the Wormhole rune.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_557_x1 – Magic Missile fires 2 extra missiles.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_558_x1 – Double. the number of enemies your Electrocute jumps to.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_559_x1 – Gain immunity to Freeze and Immobilize effects.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_560_x1 – Chance on hit to create a chaos field at the enemy’s location for 5 seconds, causing enemies inside to be Confused.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_561_x1 – Emit Lightning Nova around you for 150% weapon damage every second while your Arcane Power is less than 20% of maximum.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_562_x1 – Stun enemies for 1 second the first time you hit them.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_563_x1 – Gain increased damage after stunning an enemy.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_564_x1 – Gain 15% increased damage for 3 seconds after blocking an attack.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_565_x1 – You take 50% damage from blocked attacks.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_566_x1 – Chance on Critical Hit to increase attack speed and movement speed.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_567_x1 – Chance on being hit to Confuse the enemy for 2 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_568_x1 – Enemy missiles sometimes pass through you harmlessly.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_569_x1 – Chance on hit to gain an effect that removes the Spirit cost of your abilities for 3 sec.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_570_x1 – Damage increased by 15% to targets that are slowed or stunned.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_571_x1 – Chance on hit to deal 12% of the target�s current health as Holy damage.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_572_x1 – Chance on kill to increase damage dealt by 4% for 5 sec., stacking up to 5 times.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_573_x1 – Reduces duration of control impairing effects by 75%.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_574_x1 – When you block an attack, gain 100% chance to also block the next 2 attacks.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_575_x1 – Heal for 10% of your missing Life when you kill an Undead enemy.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_576_x1 – Enhances your Poison Darts.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_577_x1 – Chance on hit to pull in and Slow nearby enemies.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_581_x1 – Chance on hit to blast your enemy with Lightning and slow its attack speed and movement speed! This effect jumps to additional enemies.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_580_x1 – Reduce the cooldown of Earthquake every time it kills an enemy.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_579_x1 – You may move unhindered through enemies.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_578_x1 – Call of the Ancients last until they die.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_582_x1 – Double the number of enemies that Lightning elemental effects jump to.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_583_x1 – Double the damage of Poison elemental effects.damage.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_584_x1 — Double the chance for Arcane elemental effects to charm the enemy.

ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_585_x1 – Double the healing amount of Holy elemental effects.

ItemPassive_Unique_Shoulder_103_x1 – When receiving fatal damage, there is a chance that you are instead restored to 25% of maximum Life and cause nearby enemies away to flee in fear.

ItemPassive_Unique_Amulet_105_x1 – After earning a massacre bonus, summon forth 5-10 skeletal guardians for 45 seconds.

ItemPassive_Unique_Bracer_105_x1 – Chance on being hit to deal 1000% of your Thorns damage to nearby enemies.

itemPassive_Unique_Helm_003_x1 – Casts a Poison Nova when you hit an enemy.

ItemPassive_Unique_Boots_007_x1 – Burn the ground you walk on, dealing 100% weapon damage each second..


Es scheinen also beinahe eine grenzenlose Anzahl an Eigenschaften implementiert zu werden. Ob und welche es davon schaffen ist natürlich unklar. Aber die Flut an Eigenschaften scheint beinahe den Legendarypool von Diablo 3 zu sprengen. Jedenfalls ist mit (einigen von) diesen Eigenschaften eine neue Skillzusammenstellung durchaus vorstellbar. Man darf gespannt sein was es für neue Guides geben wird, welche Items man kombiniert und wie bequem oder effizient sich dann ein Charakter spielen lassen wird.

Das nicht enden wollende Paragonsystem…

hat zumindest um das Rätsel der möglichen zu vergebenden Stats ein Ende. Auch wenn die bestehenden Daten nicht bestätigt sind, scheint es doch so, als wäre die Liste für das Diablo 3 Addon fertig. Denn genau dies wurde auch schon teilweise bestätigt oder wird in den jeweiligen, der drei noch nicht gesehenen Tabs, vermutet:


UnspentPoints – Unspent Points

AddOrRemovePoints – Add or Remove Points

ToNextLevel – To Next Level

OpenCategory – Open Category

TotalBonusUnselectedFormat – {c:CCCCCCFF}{s1} {s2}

TotalBonusSelectedFormat – {s1} {c:CCCCCCFF}{s2}

Total – Total

PointsSelectedFormat – {s1}/{c:FFFFFFFF}{s2}

PointsUnselectedFormat – {c:CCCCCCFF}{s1}/{s2}

ParagonBonusTooltip – {c:FFFFFFFF}{s1} {c:CCCCCCFF}{s2} per point

ParagonLevel – Paragon Level

ParagonLevelFormat – {c:FFFBC85A}{s1}: {c_white}{s2}{/c_white}

ParagonCategory_Attack – Offense

ParagonCategory_Defense – Defense

ParagonCategory_Primary_Attributes – Core

ParagonCategory_Utility – Utility

ParagonCategoryPointsRemaining – {s1} Points Remaining: {s2}

ParagonBonusLabel_Strength – Strength

ParagonBonusLabel_Dexterity – Dexterity

ParagonBonusLabel_Intelligence – Intelligence

ParagonBonusLabel_Vitality – Vitality

ParagonBonusLabel_Attacks_Per_Second_Bonus – Attack Speed

ParagonBonusLabel_Crit_Percent_Bonus_Capped – Critical Hit Chance

ParagonBonusLabel_Crit_Damage_Percent – Critical Hit Damage

ParagonBonusLabel_Power_Cooldown_Reduction_Percent – Cooldown Reduction

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Max_Bonus_Mana – Maximum Mana

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Max_Bonus_Fury – Maximum Fury

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Max_Bonus_Spirit – Maximum Spirit

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Max_Bonus_Arcanum – Maximum Arcane Power

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Mana – Mana Regeneration %

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Fury – Fury Generation %

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Hatred – Hatred Regeneration %

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Spirit – Spirit Generation %

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Arcanum – Arcane Power Regeneration %

ParagonBonusLabel_Movement_Bonus_Run_Speed – Movement Speed

ParagonBonusLabel_Gold_PickUp_Radius – Gold Pickup Radius

ParagonBonusLabel_Hitpoints_Percent – Life

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Max_Bonus_Hatred – Maximum Hatred

ParagonBonusLabel_Resistance_All – Resist All

ParagonBonusLabel_Armor_Bonus_Percent – Armor

ParagonBonusLabel_Dodge_Chance_Bonus – Dodge

ParagonBonusValue_Intelligence – [{VALUE}|+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Attacks_Per_Second_Bonus – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Strength – [{VALUE}|+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Dexterity – [{VALUE}|+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Vitality – [{VALUE}|+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Crit_Damage_Percent – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Crit_Percent_Bonus_Capped – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Power_Cooldown_Reduction_Percent – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Hitpoints_Percent – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Resistance_All – [{VALUE}|+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Armor_Bonus_Percent – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Dodge_Chance_Bonus – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Movement_Bonus_Run_Speed – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Gold_PickUp_Radius – [{VALUE}|1+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Max_Bonus_Arcanum – [{VALUE}|2+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Arcanum – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Max_BonusFury – [{VALUE}|2+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Max_BonusHatred – [{VALUE}|2+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Max_BonusMana – [{VALUE}|2+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Max_BonusSpirit – [{VALUE}|2+|]

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Fury – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Hatred – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Mana – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Regen_Bonus_Percent_Spirit – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

NephalemValorWarning – Changing your skills and passives will reset your Nephalem Valor stacks!

ParagonCategoryPointsTotal – {s1} Points Total: {s2}

ParagonCategoryPointsSpent – {s1} Points Spent: {s2}

ParagonBonusLabel_Magic_Find – Magic Find

ParagonBonusValue_Magic_Find – [{VALUE}*100|2+|]%

ParagonBonusLabel_Resource_Max_Bonus_Faith – Maximum Wrath

ParagonBonusValue_Resource_Max_Bonus_Faith – [{VALUE}|2+|]


In unserem Forum wird seit heute Nachmittag schon stark drüber disktutiert. Wenn ihr auch euer Statement dazu abgeben wollt, oder wissen wollt was andere darüber denken, dann bitte in diesem Thread

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Quelle: Diablofans.com